Our Application to Heaven
Currently Working on Issue 2!
- The second issue of the zine should be ready in a few weeks. Email us if you'd like us to send you a copy. We will also post the locations where you can pick up a copy if you're in Edmonton.
- Upon publishing Issue 2, we will then release the digital version of the first issue as a pdf.
Contact ourapplicationtoheaven@proton.me if you would like to...
- Have the zine delivered to you by mail
- Send us your band's music (No Spotify/Apple Music links allowed! Send Bandcamp, Soundcloud, or Wetransfer/Dropbox/Drive links if you've got 'em)
- Express your interest in contributing to the zine
- Say mean and/or nice things about the zine
- Inquire about a platonic or romantic relationship with our Michigan-based correspondent Dogman
Our zine will always be free to read, but if you'd like to help us cover the cost of paper, printing, and postage, you can make a donation here. Any and all support is greatly appreciated.